Urban Thinkers Campus Recife


Urban Thinkers Session do UTC RECIFE. Foto: Humberto Reis

Urban Thinkers Session do UTC RECIFE. Foto: Humberto Reis

A ONU-Habitat – Programa das Nações Unidas sobre Assentamentos Humanos convocou a comunidade internacional para abraçar o desafio de inventar um novo paradigma de cidade, através da realização de Urban Thinkers Campus, etapas preparatórias à Habitat III – Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre Moradia e Desenvolvimento Urbano Sustentável, marcada para acontecer em Quito, Equador, em 2016.

O INCITI / UFPE aderiu a essa ideia e trouxe pela primeira vez ao Brasil o Urban Thinkers Campus, conferência internacional que aconteceu entre 24 e 27 de novembro de 2015, no Bairro do Recife, com o tema “Cidades Inclusivas – jovens e tecnologias abertas no espaço urbano”. Com patrocínio do Ministério da Cultura / Cidades Sensitivas e da Prefeitura do Recife, o encontro foi concebido como um espaço crítico e aberto para a troca entre pessoas que acreditam que a urbanização é uma oportunidade para uma transformação positiva, bem como para o desenvolvimento sustentável.

Durante os quatro dias, sociedade civil, academia e representantes dos setores público e privado estiveram reunidos na construção das recomendações para a Nova Agenda Urbana.

Confira o documento final do UTC Recife: http://utc.inciti.org



Urban Thinkers Session do UTC RECIFE. Foto: Humberto Reis

The world becomes city. More than half of the global population is living in urban settlements and this percentage is expected to increase in the coming years. Cities becomes worlds. Cities to live, work, walk, love, occupy and other infinitives. The city as an habitat. Nowadays, despite the significant advances in policies and the acknowledgment about the right to the city, we still witness the use of excluding and unsustainable urban planning models. What city do we want? Moreover, what city do we need?

For further information: http://utc.inciti.org/en

To contribute in this debate, urban planners, scientists, artists, activists, hackers and youngsters – of all ages and from all parts of Brazil – will converge in Recife, the capital city of the state of Pernambuco, in the Brazilian Northeast. From the 24th to 27th of November, Urban Thinkers Campus Recife (UTC Recife) will gather contributions in order to colaborate with the global debate of a New Urban Agenda. UTC Recife will also be happening online, allowing anyone to follow the activities or/and contribute from afar, from other cities of Brazil or other parts of the world. The document will be concluded during Habitat III – the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development – to be held in October 2016 in Quito, Ecuador.

Working with collective and open processes, we emphasize the prominence of youth on open technologies and cultural appropriation. We reckon that the city we need will come from the streets, parks and their networks.



UTC Recife focuses on the theme Inclusive Cities: youth and open source technologies in urban space. The main goal of this event is to gather innovative solutions towards youth inclusion focusing on the role of public places and new open source technologies as catalyst of opportunities and change. The idea is to highlight the role of the cities as being networks of learning spaces.

In the course of four days the civil society, the academia and representatives of the private and public sectors will gather in the historical neighborhood of Bairro do Recife to share inspiring solutions for social inclusion. Our aim is to create an urban narrative in open source technologies targeting cities as inclusive territories.

The opening ceremony and registration/accreditation process begins on the 24th of November, and from 25th to the 27th, the event will be structured in morning and afternoon activities, the Urban Thinkers Sessions will take place in the morning and the Constituent Group Sessions and Draft Sessions in the afternoon.

In the morning, UTC Recife widens its reach, opening up and presenting to the public an overview of the discussions going on in the work groups, this session is called Urban Thinkers Sessions. In these sessions, guests with different and complementary profiles will present major challenges for Inclusive Cities, related to the main themes of the conference, that are: Culture, Technology and Urban Space.

The dynamic designed to establish exchanges around innovative solutions will take place in the work groups called Constituent Sessions, meetings that will take place simultaneously, gathering the key speakers to defend the basic concepts of city we need. After that, the participants will meet in a joint session, the Draft Sessions, to present the systematization of results from the previous meeting, in an effort to cross reference, elect priorities and organize the views of participants on the raised themes and issues. The most relevant issues derived from this debate will compose the document to be presented as a reference for Habitat III.

Later in the afternoon,

During these Urban Thinkers Sessions, the panels will discuss:

  • The role of culture in urban transformation
  • Open source technology, Common Science and Technocultural Heritage
  • Knowledge and tools to build Inclusive Cities



Bairro do Recife, an historic neighborhood which was originally developed around its harbor, is a unique environment, plural in cultural activity, including museums, theaters, cinemas, bars and restaurants, it is also a new technological hub area. All the facilities are very near each other, in walking distance. Such combination of factors is seen as an excellent setting to encourage the discussion on urban space vitality and social inclusion.
